4 Easy Tricks To Teach Your Puppy

Iffat Nawaz
3 min readJan 4, 2022


Congratulations! You bought a cute buddy who is now part of your family. In the meantime, he surprises you by the fuss he is creating all-around your house. So it’s time to train your puppy. Right Now!

Create an atmosphere in which your puppy feels secure. Once the trust bond begins, it becomes easy to teach your dog tricks and commands. There are 4 tricks given below; you can teach them easily.

1. Sit

All dogs must sit when commanded by their master, right? It’s the ideal mastership which they will keep obeying throughout their lifetime.

Show a treat or favorite food of your puppy. Hold the treat in your hand and bring it to the nose of your puppy, making an arch over its head. With this action, they will hit the ground and sit automatically. Say ‘sit’ as they sit down, and give them a treat. After that, use your hand’s gesture and say ‘sit.’ Practice this many times, and soon your puppy will learn this trick.

2. Come

It is a valuable trick to teach. Start with keeping a distance from your puppy. Show your puppy a favorite food or toy. Start taking backward steps away and say ‘Come’ with your hand stretched out. Along with this, call out the name of your pup also. Calling by name makes it easy for you to grab their attention when you need it.

After you gain attention, you can use your desired signal. Whether it’s their name or the word ‘come.’

It is better to utilize both commands at a time. So you can name this bait 2in1 trick. Repeat this every day, testing it at expanded distances.

3. Shake hand

Shake hand is one of the easiest and cutest tricks to learn. Hold a small treat tightly in your one hand. Do it while your puppy is in a sitting posture. Tap one of their front feet with your hand that is without a treat. With this technique, your puppy will raise its paw to get the treat.

As your dog raises its paw, hold it with your hand without food and say the command ‘shake hands.’ After shaking hands, praise them. Repeat these actions until your puppy automatically lifts its paw on command.

4. Leash

Before introducing your puppy to the outer world, teach them how to walk nicely on the leash. Without this training, your puppy decides on its own where to go and what to chase.

Start with training them inside your house. Leash them and move around. If they pull the leash, stop walking and use the command of ‘come.’ Repeat this action until and unless they acknowledge it.

After training them at home, take them to the short distances near your house. Whenever they act impolitely or start heading towards dangers, keep on stopping and call them back.


Remember, teaching a puppy a few tricks a day needs struggle and patience. However, ‘sit’ and ‘come’ commands will make them disciplined. While shaking hands and leash on will make them a good companion. Share your experience if you have ever trained any puppy.

Iffat Nawaz



Iffat Nawaz

Content writer, I love to gain knowledge and share it with the world.